POETA Social Franchise launches webinar sessions for entrepreneurs

Washington DC, April 22, 2020 - The POETA Social Franchise organized a webinar during the COVID-19 contingency to support the entrepreneurs of our network and the general public. This session hosted by The Trust for the Americas with a special guest, Mauricio Leal Goldstein General Director and Co-founder of Fluxs by Nóvament, who presented his keynote, "Reinvent your Business Model: Challenges of Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis".
The event was an opportunity to acknowledge the global change that all professionals in different industries are experiencing, specifically in the business sector. That is why adapting to innovative methods of working, collaborating, and learning while working from home are the challenges that many entrepreneurs face. Now is the moment to push them to look for more efficient and modern alternatives. "Sharing knowledge and experiences is the most effective way to reinvent ourselves and conquer new spaces!" The POETA Social Franchise team shares with us when introducing the event.
Mauricio Leal shared his expertise with more than three hundred people from Latin America who connected through Microsoft's TEAMS platform.
An enthusiastic audience that included people from different organizations and entrepreneurs from across Latin America with Interactive activities made the event a success for the organizers. The event concluded with messages of satisfaction, request for information on future seminars to the team, and the guest speaker.
The POETA Social Franchise's mission is to provide tools and knowledge to organizations that promote economic and social inclusion. Stay tuned for our upcoming events.