Bogota's Local Government recognizes The Trust for the Americas for its project 'Peace Labs'

The distinction was received during the Transforming Lives event in the framework of the Paziempre initiative in Bogotá.
Bogotá, Colombia (07/10/2019) - The Trust for the Americas received recognition for its outstanding work as an ally in the international cooperation agreement called Peace Laboratories Project. This initiative, implemented in 2018 together with the High Council for the Rights of Victims, Peace and Reconciliation of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá; Its purpose was to promote creative processes for reconciliation, as well as to strengthen and develop capacities for the construction of peace in the territories of Bogotá prioritized for intervention within the framework of the district's peace strategy. The event took place in the Renaissance park last Friday, October 4.
“Transforming Lives PAZIempre”, was called the meeting where more than 1,000 victims of the armed conflict were recognized, who thanks to the support of the District and international cooperation alliances have contributed to training, support for entrepreneurship and labor intermediation. In this meeting, the victims shared their experiences and presented their entrepreneurships, the result of their participation in the strategy.
“We admire the victims because they are moving forward. In spite of all the suffering they have faced, not only poverty, but violence and having to go to a new place to look for opportunities. Here in Bogotá we support that courage and effort, they are an example for Colombians”, said Mayor Peñalosa in the framework of recognition.
“The role of the private sector has been fundamental for the realization of the various processes with the victims, promoting the strengthening of their capacities, the realization of their initiatives, and the sustainability over time of the individual and collective entrepreneurships” said Gustavo. Quintero, High Counselor for the Rights of Victims.
Among the recognized entrepreneurships, the beneficiaries of the PAZiempre fairs stood out, who seek to give support to the victims of conflict so that they feel that Bogotá is their home. The Mayor's Office of Bogotá recognized Organizations that, with their initiatives, have contributed to the construction of peace in the country, among which The Trust for the Americas stood out, for the implementation of their project “Democratization of Innovation for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Local Territories of the City of Bogotá ”, within the framework of the“ Peace Laboratories ”and“ Peacebuilding Locations ”initiatives.
Manuel Matiz, Communications Coordinator of The Trust for the Americas, thanked the recognition and highlighted “In order to contribute to the construction of peace in the country, The Trust for the Americas implemented its methodology DIA - Democratization of Innovation in the Americas - , validated in several countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in six Bogota towns that consolidated environments of memory, peace and reconciliation thanks to the innovative potential of its inhabitants ”.
The Trust for the Americas continues to work with young people in the country to contribute to the construction of Peace through its Innovation for Peace Laboratory, located at the National University of Colombia.
WHAT: Recognizing “Transforming Lives PAZIempre”,
WHEN: Friday, October 4, 2019.
WHERE: Renaissance Park, Bogota Colombia.
WHO: Mayor's Office of Bogotá
High Counseling for the Rights of Victims, Peace and Reconciliation
The Trust for the Americas
About The Trust for the Americas:
The Trust for the Americas is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS). It was established in 1997 to promote public and private sector participation in social and economic development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our initiatives, implemented through local partner organizations, seek to improve access to economic opportunities as well as to foster innovation in vulnerable communities in the hemisphere. To this end, The Trust also promotes social inclusion and good governance. The Trust has offices in Washington, D.C., Colombia, and Canada.
For more information:
Facebook: The Trust for the Americas Twitter: @Trust4Americas