The Trust for the Americas, Innovaap-UCR and AUGE launch the project Gente Emprende in Costa Rica

Washington, D.C. (January 16, 2020) The Trust for the Americas in partnership with the Collaborative Public Innovation Laboratory InnovaAP Laboratorio Colaborativo de Innovación Pública InnovaAP and the University Agency for Entrepreneurship Management of the University of Costa Rica launch the project Gente Emprende. Proyecto Gente Emprende.
Gente Emprende’s objective is to promote high social value impact projects, that have the capacity of becoming sustainable entrepreneurships. Its structure is composed of 1 introduction session, 5 public innovation workshops using the “sprint” methodology, and 2 follow-up sessions for five municipalities outside of Costa Rica’s Great Metropolitan Area.
AUGE will guide the development of the entrepreneurs. AUGE focuses in understanding the issue being resolved and the solution created. The selected projects within each municipality will receive a maximum of $US5,000 for financial support.
Jorge Umaña, local coordinator of The Trust for the Americas in Costa Rica “We seek to improve citizen participation in five municipalities of Costa Rica, through a strategy of developing co-creation processes with social actors and proposing solutions to local needs that result in viable, sustainable and high value projects for the population of these locations.
During the month of January, informational workshops will be held for NGO’s, philanthropies, media outlets, PYMES, cooperatives, and interested community groups within the selected municipalities, with the following itinerary:
- Monday January 20- Turrialba 9 am
- Tuesday Jan 21- Grecia 9 am
- Wednesday January 22- Orotina 9pm
- Thursday January 23- Cañas 9am
- Tuesday January 28- Quepos 9 am
Applications will begin February 2020.
We expect participation of more than 750 people throughout the process.
For more information follow or social media or contact our local coordinator, Jorge Umaña at
About The Trust for the Americas:
The Trust for the Americas is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS). It was established in 1997 to promote public and private sector participation in social and economic development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our initiatives, implemented through local partner organizations, seek to improve access to economic opportunities as well as to foster innovation in vulnerable communities in the hemisphere. To this end, The Trust also promotes social inclusion and good governance. The Trust has offices in Washington, D.C., Colombia, and Canada.
More information:
Facebook: The Trust for the Americas Twitter: @Trust4Americas