Press releases

Press releases

Citi Foundation and Trust for the Americas launch DIA Urban Lab for Youth Innovation in Trinidad


The New Urban Lab for Youth Innovation will encourage and train young people, giving them the opportunity to build a better, innovative, and inclusive future.

Closing Event Innovation through Open Data in Panama


Se presentaron los hitos de los últimos dos años de implementación del proyecto "Innovación a través de los Datos Abiertos en Panamá"


Patricia Villela Marino is recognized with The Trust for the Americas/OAS 2020 Humanitarian Award


The Executive Committee Board of The Trust for the Americas has selected Patricia Villela Marino as the winner of the 2020 Humanitarian Award for her leadership on programs that improve the odds for inmates and give them the tools to live productive and economically independent lives when they are released.

Canada - Antigua & Barbuda - Argentina - Belize - Brasil - Chile - Estados Unidos - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Nicaragua - Panamá - Perú - Puerto Rico - República Dominicana - St. Kits & Nevis - St. Lucia - St. Vincent & Granadinas - Venezuela

Intrare y The Trust for the Americas, a través del Proyecto VIVE, empoderan a mujeres y hombres migrantes en México


Intrare se sumó a The Trust for the Americas para capacitar a personas migrantes, a través del Proyecto VIVE (ven, inspírate y vende). Esto les permitirá ampliar sus oportunidades económicas, además de fortalecer el tema de prevención de violencia hacia las niñas y las mujeres.


Foro GovTech ofrece espacio de intercambio de buenas prácticas en materia de gobierno digital en Centro América


Siguiendo el éxito del Foro GovTech Latam, Mexico y Argentina, presentamos la primera edición del Foro GovTech Costa Rica 2020, organizado por OS City y The Trust for the Americas con el apoyo de INNOVAAP.

Costa Rica

Women Economic Forum recognizes The Trust for the Americas for programs empowering women in the region


The Trust for the Americas receives the award "Iconic Companies that create a better world for all" during the Women Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 as recognition of its work focused on increasing women's economic empowerment through the implementation of Project VIVE in Mexico.


DIA Summit 2020 takes Jamaican youth to another level


The Trust for the Americas in partnership with the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE) and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Information of Jamaica is launching the Youth DIA Summit during Youth Month 2020 in Jamaica.


H. Ayuntamiento de Tierra Blanca, a través del Proyecto VIVE, empoderará a mujeres ante la contingencia por COVID 19 en Veracruz


El H. Ayuntamiento de Tierra Blanca en el estado de Veracruz, se suma a The Trust for the Americas para capacitar a mujeres del Municipio a través del  Proyecto VIVE (ven, inspírate y vende) para fortalecer sus oportunidades económicas ante la pandemia por COVID-19.


Unattached Youth Prepare for a Digital Future with The MICO University College, The Trust for the Americas, and NCB Foundation Partnership.


Digital tech leaders and experts gathered virtually to listen to pitches delivered by unattached youth at the NCB ICON Lab Pitch Tank as part of the NCB ICON Lab initiative which launched on June 15, 2020.


Potenciando el Emprendimiento Innovador CONECTA 2020


AES Puerto Rico y The Trust For The Americas reconocen la resiliencia de 10 microemprendedores que participaron del proyecto CONECTA 2018 y 2019.

Puerto Rico

Press Kits

DIA Brand Book


Institutional Presentation