Implementation of the Inter-American Open Data Program to Prevent and Fight Corruption (PIDA) in Panama

Project completed


This project aimed to promote the collaboration and development of technical capacities of governments and citizens to support the implementation of the Inter-American Open Data Program to Prevent and Fight Corruption (PIDA) in Panama. 

The use of open data strengthens democratic processes as it facilitates the co-creation of policies to prevent and punish corruption. In these efforts, the contribution of digital technologies is essential to encourage closer interaction with citizens and simplify access to public information. 

The project included a plan to develop actions to strengthen the open data ecosystem in Panama. The mapping of policies and actors linked to anti-corruption efforts, intersectoral dialogue, capacity building, and citizen empowerment were fundamental elements for its success. 

Project purpose

The project sought to support the Panamanian government and civil society in the collaborative process of implementing the PIDA and in developing actions to fight corruption through open data.

Project goals

Strengthen the capacities of public institutions and citizens to prevent and fight corruption through the opening of data.

Empower citizens by providing them with access to training, awareness actions, and financing to create new channels to fight corruption

Main achievements

working group in collaboration with civil society organizations, the academic sector, and the media
dedicated section for anti-corruption efforts on the national open data portal in Panama
+ 35
public officials trained in open data practices
+ 30
civil society members trained in the use of open data to combat corruption


Mapping of policies and actors.

The project maps and researches the policies, institutions, competencies, and actors related to the anti-corruption ecosystem in Panama to make them part of the process of implementing the PIDA.

Awareness about the PIDA and open data.

Participants get involved in a training process on transparency, access to public information, open data, and accountability to align institutional and citizen knowledge and perspectives about the PIDA. 

Creation of an inter-institutional group for anti-corruption, transparency and open data.

An inter-institutional working group to lead the implementation of the PIDA and facilitate awareness-raising and capacity-building at the authority level regarding the opening of data sets.

Data audit.

An exploration of the current status of anti-corruption databases to develop an inventory of the status of anti-corruption data and an opening plan for Panama.

Implementation of a technical opening and publication process.

 A data opening process aligned with the Panamanian open data governance model, supported by technical training on the subject and facilitated by international experts.

Communication and dissemination to the public.

Development of a digital platform that promotes transparency, communication, citizen participation and provides reliable information on opening data and implementing the PIDA.

Identification of key actors for citizen empowerment.

Mapping non-governmental actors working on civic technology, Open Government and open data in Panama to collaboratively promote government transparency.

Strengthening the open data ecosystem in Panama.

Representatives of local civil society organizations, academia, the private sector and the media strengthen their capacities in accessing and using open data.

Incubation of innovative projects.

Participants co-create solution proposals that use open data to promote transparency and fight corruption.

Strategic partners

Implementing partner
Implementing partner
Implementing partner

Success Stories

Closure of PIDA in Panama | Interview with Jorge Umaña

Project Coordinator

Jorge Umaña, project coordinator, shares his perspective on the conclusion of the first phase of the PIDA implementation in Panama. According to Umaña, "This project drives and strengthens actions against corruption, promoting an ecosystem that facilitates access to and use of open data in the country." Watch the full video.

Which of the following SDGS (Sustainable Development Goals) this project support?